Day 2: Oh Rats!

It's the second day of our spreading and already we've moved on to bigger and better things. By the middle of the night yesterday, enough of us bacteria had gathered in the flea's gut that we obstructed it's feeding. To try and fix this, the flea regurgitated blood and anything in it's gut back onto the feeding site - including us! This allowed us to move into our new home, the rat.

Unlike fleas, rats do not have genes making them resistant, so we can only live on them for approximately a week before we must find a new host. The reason they die so quickly, or at all, is because when we infect mammals, we are the cause of a number of bacterial plagues. Bubonic Plague is the primary one, but it can develop into Pneumonic Plague, and Speticemic Plague. But, for now, we've comfortably moved into the rat's blood stream, and will spend the next little while battling our ways into the white blood cells (especially macrophages) that we find there disabling them, and making them our homes. Now I'm off to make some food for myself, I'll tell you all about that exciting process tomorrow!

- Yersinia Pestis